Inspirational Wednesday!

Don’t say that you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.

– H. Jackson Brown

This week’s Inspirational Wednesday comes from a place where I think that everyone should utilize their time better! That means include more creative and imaginative thought into your day. I believe that everybody is creative in their own ways, like one can be amazing at designing buildings and another can be amazing at cooking. We are all unique, no one of us is the same. We are made that way so we can all leave a special imprint on this earth.
Utilize your day to where you can do something for yourself! How did Einstein, da Vinci or Gandhi do it? They made time to realize what they thought was important. They all had to start somewhere. So where do you? I think you should start today! Make a difference, start a change in your life. It doesn’t have to drastic, start small. Soon you’ll realize how big your idea has grown or maybe you’ll have to start over. That’s okay, not everything is going to work out on it’s first attempt. Be patient and everything will sort itself out in the end. It’s nature’s way of telling you everything’s going to be okay!
Let your imagination run wild!

Until Next Time,

Happy Hump Day

Inspirational Wednesday!

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

– Eleanor Roosevelt

This week’s Inspirational Wednesday comes from a place where I think that society has created distinct barriers between people based on social class. Society has ranked all of us. So where do we think we fit in? Do we conform or rebel? These are the questions that we ask ourselves. I don’t believe in the division of people based no their social class because at the end of the day, we are all human. It doesn’t matter where you come from, each and every one of us impacts the world in our own little ways.

We are all intelligent in our own ways, we all show it in different ways. As Eleanor Roosevelt puts it, we all discuss ideas, events and people no matter who we are or where we come from. I believe we are all great minded people. Anyone can do anything once they put their mind to it. If you really want something, or want to talk to somebody, you would make it happen. We are all capable of greatness, it is just a case of finding it within yourself!

My challenge for all of you this week is to find that you are capable of great things! Make something happen for yourself or for those around you!

Let us know in the comments below if you find that you are capable of very many wonderful things!

Until Next Time,

Happy Hump Day

Inspirational Wednesday!

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

– Albert Einstein

This week’s Inspirational Wednesday came about from me sitting down envisioning how I look at the world. This was brought on by the hurt and destruction that is happening in the world around us today. From Gaza to the various plane crashes, people are suffering in many ways.

I like the way Einstein puts it, we either see the world around us as a miracle or not. I view it as a miracle because I am a firm believer of everything happens for a reason, be it good or bad. I think its Mother Nature’s way of testing to see what truly lies beneath. Through trials and tribulations, we find ourselves in the strangest of places. Do you see this test as a gift or a curse? Well that’s up to you to decide. You control the outcome of your current situation. Do you like what you see?

You should take it and own it. You never know what where it will take you.. The future is a foreboding entity.


Until Next Time,

Happy Hump Day

Inspirational Wednesday!

When I had nothing more to lose, I was given everything. When I ceased to be who I am, I found myself. When I experienced humiliation and yet kept on walking, I understood that I was free to choose my own destiny.

– Paulo Coelho

This weeks Inspirational Wednesday is about using hurt and pain from certain periods in your life and turning them into your points of strength.

We’ve all been through tough times in our lives, and I truly believe that it’s up to us to decide what we should do with it. Do we turn it into our strength or our weakness? You should turn them into one of your strengths, because you are able to say that you have overcome this and become a better person. You should take this and own it. YOU are a survivor! Don’t let someone else use that against you! If they do, that’s their own insecurities shining through. Don’t let it bring you down, rise above it. Only strongest survive, the weak wallow in their insecurities. Take your success and own it, work it like its a new shiny pin.. It’s yours and yours only.

Until Next Time,

Happy Hump Day

10 Tips for Optimizing Digital Marketing!

This week I wanted to address Digital Marketing and how it is important for any company nowadays. Since we spend so much of our time on Social Media, companies could and should share their brands online to connect to customers outside of their locality. Connecting with consumers online is a sure-fire thing for businesses today. It is how companies stay relevant. So I think that Digital Marketing is the way to go. So I have come up with a short list of what companies should use and have in their Digital Marketing campaigns.

So I have comprised a list of 10 Tips for Optimizing Digital Marketing within companies:

1. Before running your campaign, look at the terms and conditions for popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing! as they all have slightly different formatting techniques.

2. Use target keywords in your in your headlines. They will capture your targeted audience if you use the keywords effectively.

3. Never go CRAZY with capital letters in your headlines. Capitalize the first letter in major words.

4. Do use correct punctuation in your headlines.  It makes sense for your customers to read something that looks and sounds right!

5. Don’t use abbreviations that people don’t know the meaning of. Use relevant and correct abbreviations to connect with consumers of all ages.

6. Have a business blog! I mean why not? It could attract bloggers to your site through your blog! In my opinion, it’s a winning feature for everyone.

7. Use a simple, clean, easy-to-follow website design, one that is user friendly to people of all ages. Also make your website mobile friendly. (Key in a technology driven society)

8. Enable share buttons on your website connecting to popular Social Media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.

9. Since employees also represent your brand in both offline and online situations, companies should implement a policy wherein they are not allowed to share internal information online.

10. The use of #hashtag, companies should look into the origin of it before jumping on the bandwagon!


Well that’s all from me today, hope you all have an amazing weekend. Let us know in the comments below some of your tips for companies starting Digital Marketing campaigns.

Until Next Time,




Inspirational Wednesday!

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult

– Seneca

This week’s Inspirational Wednesday affects everyone in different ways. This quote is trying to explain that we do things that we are used to doing, and are more reluctant to try something that is outside of our comfort zones. For many people, including myself, this is often the case. This is because our imaginations run away with us. It exaggerates the fear and the outcomes of the action in question. For example, there is the amusement park not that far away from me, and there was this one ride that I would never go on. It’s known as the Future Dance, a ride where there is a line of seats that just go around in a circle. Anyways, I would never go on it because my imagination would create all of these ridiculous situations that would most likely never occur. A couple of summers ago, my cousin forced me on the ride, much to the annoyance of the butterflies in my stomach, and you know what I genuinely don’t know what I was afraid of. I was just being a baby about it. I went out of comfort zone and I enjoyed myself. (I don’t know what relevance this had to the quote, but oh well).

But what I think Seneca is trying to say is that you need to be more daring and try new things. This reminds me of one of my favourite Dr. Seuss books, Green Eggs and Ham. The character looked at the green eggs and ham in front of him and because he didn’t like the look of it he said that he didn’t want to try it. The moral of the story was you will never know if you like it or not, if you don’t try it. Comes back to the old saying, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’.

So that’s what I want all of you to do this week is to try something different and see how it goes. Let us know in the comments below if it worked or not.. 🙂

Until Next Time,

Happy Hump Day

6 Reasons of Why We All Need A Social Media Vacation


Hey everyone,

So this week, I decided that I would write about why we all need a break from Social Media. Social Media is taking over our lives in many ways. Nowadays, we can’t breathe without checking our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts. I know this because I’m constantly refreshing all of those feeds. It’s addictive! There’s a void in all of us, whether we know it or not that we try to fill by being distracted by Social Media 24 hours of the day. So does one really know what they are missing? The answer is NO. If we took our faces away from the screens of our phones, tablets and computers, what would we see? The world that is happening around us. One also must ask themselves a question; Are there benefits to taking a social media break? I think only the person that tries it can really answer that question.

So, I’ve come with 6 things that you could do whilst on your Social Media break;

1. Learn New Things:

The world are you is full of new and interesting things that you can explore. I truly believe that you can learn something new everyday. Put your phone down and take in the world around you. I recently saw Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and I thought it was an amazing movie. There’s a line in it that goes “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, life moves pretty fast and if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” This line helped me create this blog for you today. Maybe we should all take a leaf out of Ferris Bueller’s book? 

2. Get Things Done:

When you’re off Facebook or Twitter or YouTube, you’ll get work done. I’d say many people use Social Media as a way of procrastinating (I do!). You can get the work done that you’ve been putting off. One of your friends can let you know if something majorly important happens.

3. Read A Book:

I personally prefer to read a novel that’s in a physical book form. I know there are devices today that allow you to read an e-copy of a book like e-readers and Kindles. There’s millions of books out there for you to read, you just have to be willing.  As an added bonus, I just love the way a new book smells. (I know, I’m a tad strange :P) Book Recommendation that I have for you all is Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger. I think that it’s a book that should be read by all.

4. Help Out Somebody:

You could help someone out who doesn’t know how to use Social Media. You could put your knowledge and expertise to good use. The people you could are your younger siblings, your parents, even a friend whose new to technology scene. By doing this, you could feel better about your Social Media obsession because you’ve someone else.

5. Spend Time With Family:

For me, family is the most important. Do I need to go further? 😛

6. Travel:

It’s summer time! This is the time of the year where everyone should be having fun. Go on a road trip or a cruise. Or just stay at home and explore the local tourist attractions in your area that you’ve never been to. And then after that, you can post up all your lovely photos on your Social Media accounts for your friends to enjoy.


I hope you all have enjoyed this week’s blog! Let me know in the comments below what you thought of it! I love to hear/read feedback on blogs.. 🙂 Anyways, hope you all have an amazing weekend.. 


Until Next Time,
